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The collapse of western civilization
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Last month, legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said the time to prepare is now for the chaos that is coming in 2023. The destabilization of America has been kicked into high gear early with the FBI raid on President Trump’s Florida home this week. Armstrong explains, “This really is unprecedented . . . . In the United States, we are supposed to have civilized transfer of power. That’s all coming to an end. I am not being dramatic here. From a legal perspective, this is completely unprecedented. The danger of this is once they have done this, if the Republicans are ever allowed to get back into power, they would only end up doing the same thing to the Democrats. . . . It’s striking a real deathblow to the very idea of a democracy. We are not, at least we were not until today, someplace like Guatemala where you throw the opposition in jail, kill them or whatever you do. This is what’s going on. They are so afraid of Trump running in 2024 that this is just over the top. Once they did this, there is no end.”
Armstrong says the Democrats are in “dire straits” at the polls–and they know it. Armstrong thinks the Trump raid by the FBI is an act of desperation, and it will “backfire,” but that’s not the only play in the Democrat playbook for the midterms in November. Armstrong says, “I have been warned that the Democrats have been maneuvering, and the reason they are allowing all the illegal aliens to come in is they intend to allow them to vote. You already had the Justice Department go after one state that said you had to prove you are an American to vote, and they filed a suit against them saying that they violated their civil rights. At that stage of the game, hey, all of Europe, Australia, everybody should just send in a vote.”
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Massive Civil Unrest in the US starting in 2023, Word War 3 on the horizon, inflation to only get progressively worse, and the elites going all out to push their Great Reset on humanity. Legendary economic forecaster and astute scholar of history & human nature Martin Armstrong returns to the Outer Limits of Inner Truth to discuss his predictions and insight on the topics above. Armstrong reveals what to expect and what people can do in the volatile years ahead. Also, if we can weather the storm till 2032, things should clear up and humanity should be knee deep in a peaceful enlightenment period by 2040.
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Russia and China share the understanding that a unipolar world has become impossible and that a “new reality” is coming, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said.
“We believe - in unison with our Chinese comrades - that the existence of a unipolar world is impossible,” Peskov told journalists on Tuesday.
Moscow and Beijing agree that it’s “an impossible situation” when “the so-called ‘Golden billion’ is claiming the right to invent rules in economy, in politics and the right to impose it’s will on other countries,” he noted.
In the Russian-speaking world the term ‘Golden billion’ often refers to the wealthy populations of the US, EU and other Western nations.
The foundation of the unipolar system has started to “seriously creak and wobble. A new reality is emerging,” the Kremlin spokesman pointed out.
Peskov echoed the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who said in late August that “the obsolete unipolar model is being superseded by a new world order based on the fundamental principles of justice, equality, and the recognition of the right of each nation and state to its sovereign path of development."
According to the Russian leader, “strong political and economic centers acting as a driving force of this irreversible process are being shaped in the Asia Pacific region.”
Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping are expected to hold a meeting later this week on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Uzbekistan. It’s going to be Xi’s first trip outside China since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.
When asked about the upcoming talks on Monday, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre reminded that the US has “made clear our concerns about the depth of China's alignment and ties with Russia, even as Russia prosecutes a war of aggression in Ukraine.”
Back in June, Putin and Xi described relations between Russia and China as being at “an unprecedentedly high level and are constantly improving,” according to the Kremlin.
Beijing refused to join the international sanctions imposed on Moscow over its military operation in Ukraine. Instead, the two countries boosted cooperation and trade, with Russia becoming the top supplier of oil to China, among other things.
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Turkey seeks accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday. The remark came after the summit of the group wrapped up in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Erdogan took part in this year’s event as a special guest.
“Our relations with these countries will be moved to a much different position with this step,” Erdogan told reporters on board his plane. Asked whether Turkey is seeking to formally join the group, the president responded affirmatively. “Of course, that's the goal,” he said.
The SCO is an economic integration and trust-building alliance that was founded in 2001, and is now the world’s largest regional bloc. Currently, the SCO brings together China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India, and Pakistan.
There are also four observer states – Afghanistan, Mongolia, Belarus, and Iran – which are seeking to become full-fledged members of the bloc, with the two latter nations already having launched the accession process.
Turkey, alongside Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, is currently recognized as a special ‘dialogue partner’ of the group. The SCO also launched the process for granting such status to Egypt, Qatar and Saudi Arabia back in September 2021.
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- Mensajes: 1406
With or without our consent, humanity is being dragged into a horrific third world war. Martin Armstrong gives a sobering assessment and forecast of how, why, and what to expect when hell on earth manifests. Martin also discusses:
• The likelihood that Americans will be subjected to, and willingly accept a Chinese-style social credit rating system.
• What the past eight civilizations that have collapsed (with the exception of Egypt post-1250 BC) all have in common.
• Will the push for green energy fully succeed in the whole US or only prevail in a limited number of states.
• When China becomes the epicenter of economic activity by 2032, will it drastically increase it’s sphere of influence and political ideologies the same way the US did in post World War II.
• What form of government in history was most favorable to individual rights and what nations and states will have the most freedom in the future.
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