
Trate de no convertirse en un hombre de éxito, sino en un hombre de valor.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) físico, de origen alemán

Terrazas del Rodeo

Dirty tricks an how Putin came to power

2 años 4 meses antes #1 por Editor
Martin Armstrong – WORLD FIRST: The Plot to Seize Russia, War Propaganda, & More

World renowned economist Martin Armstrong joins us to break the story of the several-decade long plan to seize Russia, detailing how he has obtained declassified documents from the Clinton Administration, and how he was previously targeted for possessing this knowledge – which he is finally able to release.

Martin takes us through his encounter with an alleged terrorist from 9/11 while he served in prison, who was actually a Pakistani Christian that was framed by the US Government. We also discuss world events, war propaganda, and Martin’s insight into where we are heading.

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Gracias a Foro Kunena