
La solución a los problemas que ves en tu vida es vivir en tal forma que desaparezca lo problemático.

Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) Filósofo británico, de origen austríaco

Terrazas del Rodeo

Getting rid of Smartphones

3 años 1 mes antes #1 por Editor
Getting rid of Smartphones Publicado por Editor
A new trend?

In a world where many of us are glued to our smartphones, Dulcie Cowling is something of an anomaly - she has ditched hers.

The 36-year-old decided at the end of last year that getting rid of her handset would improve her mental health. So, over Christmas she told her family and friends that she was switching to an old Nokia phone that could only make and receive calls and text messages.

She recalls that one of the pivotal moments that led to her decision was a day at the park with her two boys, aged six and three: "I was on my mobile at a playground with the kids and I looked up and every single parent - there was up to 20 - were looking at their phones, just scrolling away," she says.

"I thought 'when did this happen?'. Everyone is missing out on real life. I don't think you get to your death bed and think you should have spent more time on Twitter, or reading articles online."

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