
La obstinación es quizá la única cualidad humana valiosa no sólo en la profesión policial sino al menos en todas las que tienen que ver con el concepto de verdad.

Michel Houellebecq (1958-?) Poeta, novelista y ensayista francés

Terrazas del Rodeo

Terrorists attempted to take advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic

3 años 8 meses antes #1 por Editor
There has been a notable increase in intolerance of political...

Terrorists exploit polarisation in society to pollute the social climate with violent ideologies. In recent years, polarisation of the political discourse has increased in the European Union. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated this development.

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3 años 8 meses antes - 3 años 8 meses antes #2 por Editor
From the EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT) 2021:

Jihadists operating online continued to struggle to rebuild their networks after the 2019 Telegram takedown.

Telegram messaging App.

Over the past year and a half, Europol has been collaborating with Telegram in tackling terrorism online. Building upon a previous Referral Action Days with Telegram in October 2018, the event this year was an opportunity for both parties to review the kind of content that terrorist groups attempt to disseminate online and further improve the referral process with the common aim of ensuring that material glorifying terrorism would be removed from internet as soon as possible.

Telegram is no place for violence, criminal activity and abusers. The company has put forth considerable effort to root out the abusers of the platform by both bolstering its technical capacity in countering malicious content and establishing close partnerships with international organisations such as Europol.

Thanks to this collaboration, the already-existing content referral tools available to Telegram’s users have been strengthened and expanded. Now, any user is able to refer and classify the content they find inappropriate and violent via the referral feature in public groups and channels. In addition, new technical developments, such as the advanced automated content detection system, continue to strengthen Telegram’s effort in obliterating extremism on the platform even further.

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Gracias a Foro Kunena