La imaginación es más importante que el conocimiento. El conocimiento es limitado. La imaginación rodea al mundo.
The secret club of "Junta Directiva"
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- Mensajes: 1406
The property owners are kept in darkness about the whereabouts of the Governing Board (“Junta Directiva”). There are no Minutes (“Actas”) presented from their meetings and the property owners are not even provided with contact details of its members, who are supposed to represent all property owners. Poor organisation and poor leadership bring poor performance.
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- Angela
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- Mensajes: 5
The vocal in Bloque 8 told me that he is the one that provides with the insurance for the community.
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- Rudolf
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- Mensajes: 5
Wow, a member of “Junta Directiva” is providing with the insurance of the community. That sounds like:The vocal in Bloque 8 told me that he is the one that provides with the insurance for the community.
I bet the Vocal of Bloque 8 is the same person as is running the office of MAPFRE in San Pedro.
The cost of the insurance was 17,956 Euros 2020. How much has the Vocal of Bloque 8 got in COMMISION?
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- The secret club of "Junta Directiva"
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