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Symptoms of COVID-19

3 años 6 meses antes #1 por Editor
Symptoms of COVID-19 Publicado por Editor
Most common symptoms:

Dry cough

Less common symptoms:

Loss of taste or smell

COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization.

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3 años 3 meses antes - 3 años 3 meses antes #2 por Editor
Respuesta de Editor sobre el tema Symptoms of COVID-19
The symptoms of the Omicron variant.

There is some suggestion that the variant could be causing some slightly different symptoms to the Delta variant - including aches and pains, and no loss of taste or smell - but it's too early to say for certain.

At the moment, the World Health Organization says there is no evidence that symptoms of Omicron are different to those of other variants.

That means a new cough, a fever and loss of taste or smell are still the main three symptoms to look out for.

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