
Todo el mundo tienen miedo, todo. Los que no lo tienen no son normales; esto no tiene nada que ver con el valor.

Jean Paul Sartre (1905-1980) Filósofo y escritor francés

Terrazas del Rodeo

"Ukraine on Fire"

2 años 11 meses antes #1 por Editor
"Ukraine on Fire" Publicado por Editor
Igor Lopatonok reveals the historical premises of the ongoing Ukrainian...

It the modern world of blurred borders, anything that happens in one place inevitably affects the whole global village. And, of course, the war, taking place in the very heart of Europe, should be of great concern for everybody. How could yesterday’s friends and neighbors get dragged into a raging fraternal war? What forces are behind it? And, finally, what really happened in Ukraine?

Ukraine on Fire is Oliver Stone’s 2016 documentary charting the geo-political history of Ukraine from World War II to the coup of 2014 and the ensuing civil war.

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2 años 9 meses antes #2 por Editor
Respuesta de Editor sobre el tema "Ukraine on Fire"

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