
La ignorancia, raíz y tallo de todo mal.

Platón (427 AC-347 AC) Filósofo griego

Terrazas del Rodeo

How the government is taking advantage of it's people

3 años 4 meses antes #1 por Peter
What is happening in the US possibly happens in many other countries too.

Edward Snowden explains how the [US] government is taking advantage of it's people, stealing their information and storing it in a secret data center. Edward Snowden tells all about his experience working at the CIA, NSA, FBI and the government as a contractor. Edward Snowden further explains that we need to take action against mass surveillance against the American people. This is a motivational and educational video which will give you different perspective about many things, You will listen to incredible advice that is very important.

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Gracias a Foro Kunena