To Consider:

We are twice armed if we fight with faith.

Plato (427 BC-347 BC) Athenian philosopher

Terrazas del Rodeo

COVID-19 downgraded to epidemic

2 years 7 months ago - 2 years 7 months ago #1 by Peter
COVID-19 downgraded to epidemic was created by Peter
Denmark is lifting the COVID-19 restrictions

The restrictions will be lifted on 1 February 2022 at the same time as COVID-19 is downgraded from pandemic to epidemic.

Everything will be open again. There will be no need to wear face masks any longer. It will be  up to the bars and restaurants to request COVID-certificates or not.

When it comes to traveling, then it will be decided on Friday, if testing and isolation for certain entrants to Denmark will continue for another four weeks.

På dagen med det næsthøjeste antal nye smittede under hele epidemien – 46.747 personer – har Folketingets Epidemiudvalg tilsluttet sig regeringens ønske om at ophæve samtlige coronarestriktioner. Kun et enkelt krav om test og isolation for visse indrejsende til Danmark videreføres formentlig fire uger endnu - det besluttes på fredag.

Det vil sige, at fra midnat mellem mandag og tirsdag skal vi ikke længere iføre os mundbind, før vi går ind i supermarkedet eller bussen, og med mindre en restaurant eller en bar selv vælger at bede om at se coronapas, kan vi frit gå i byen uden at skulle vise det nogen steder.

Vi kommer også til at kunne danse og drikke drinks til langt ud på natten på diskotekerne igen, og mange børnefamilier vil sikkert være glade for, at badelande og legelande åbner efter at have været lukket siden december.

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Og nu har Epidemiudvalget altså på et møde her til eftermiddag tilsluttet sig at lade restriktionerne udløbe per 1. februar.

Epidemikommissionen begrunder indstillingen med, at på trods af de meget høje smittetal, så er presset på sygehusene aftaget, og sideløbende med, at omikron er blevet den dominerende variant, er antallet af covid-patienter på intensiv halveret.

Epidemiudvalget har også på regeringens opfordring tilsluttet sig, at covid-19’s status som samfundskritisk sygdom udløber sammen med restriktionerne.

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2 years 7 months ago - 2 years 7 months ago #2 by Peter
Replied by Peter on topic COVID-19 downgraded to epidemic
Norway is lifting the Covid restrictions too

The restrictions are lifted from 23.00 on 1 February, because people do not get that unwell from the Omicron variant. For a bit longer people are asked to keep distance and use face masks when distance can be kept. The remaining restrictions are expected to be revoced on 17 February.

Folk blir mindre syke av den virusvarianten som nå herjer, og vaksinen gir oss god beskyttelse. Derfor fjerner regjeringen svært mange av koronatiltakene. Endringene gjelder fra klokken 23.00 tirsdag 1. februar.

– Den virusvarianten vi har nå, gir mindre alvorlig sykdom enn tidligere varianter. Og selv om mange blir smittet, blir færre innlagt på sykehus. Vi er godt beskyttet av vaksiner. Det gjør at vi nå kan lette på svært mange tiltak, selv om smitten stiger raskt, sier statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre.

Samtidig beholder regjeringen noen av tiltakene en stund til, blant annet anbefalingen om å holde en meter avstand og kravet om å bruke munnbind når det er vanskelig å holde avstand.

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Regjeringen tar sikte på å oppheve de siste restriksjonene innen 17. februar hvis utviklingen blir slik vi nå ser for oss. Ved behov kan kommuner selv vurdere å innføre lokale tiltak.

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2 years 7 months ago - 2 years 7 months ago #3 by Editor
Replied by Editor on topic COVID-19 downgraded to epidemic
Finland has decided that the restrictions will be lifted too

The restrictions will start to be lifted from 14 February and the remaining restrictions should be gone by 1 Mars.

Den 14 februari börjar samhället öppnas upp i Finland. Regeringen har kommit överens om ett datum när alla restriktioner ska vara avvecklade.

Statsminister Sanna Marin (SDP) säger att restriktionerna börjar lättas upp på vändagen, den 14 februari. Då kommer restaurangbegränsningarna att luckras upp och all kultur-, idrotts- och evenemangsverksamhet kommer att vara möjlig.

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Statsminister Marin sa också att det för tillfället inte finns tillräckliga juridiska och epidemiologiska grunder för att ha coronapasset i bruk.

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Alla restriktioner ska hävas fram till den första mars.

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2 years 7 months ago - 2 years 7 months ago #4 by Editor
Replied by Editor on topic COVID-19 downgraded to epidemic
Sweden will start to lift the restrictions on 9 February

The Swedish health authority ("Folkhälsomyndigheten") request the Swedish government to downgrade Covid-19 fro pandemic to epidemic.

Folkhälsomyndigheten hemställer till regeringen om att covid-19 ska upphöra att vara en allmän- och samhällsfarlig sjukdom.

The Swedish government has decided to begun lifting the restrictions from 9 February and the remaining of the restrictions are expected to be revoked on 1 April.

Den 9 februari 2022 påbörjas avvecklingen av åtgärderna mot covid-19.

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Den 1 april kommer de kvarstående myndighetsrekommendationerna att avvecklas eller anpassas efter då rådande smittspridning, belastning på hälso- och sjukvården och vaccinationstäckning. Därefter kommer bland annat rekommendation om vaccinering finnas kvar och särskilda rekommendationer för hälso- och sjukvårds- och omsorgsmiljöer.

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2 years 7 months ago - 2 years 7 months ago #5 by Editor
Replied by Editor on topic COVID-19 downgraded to epidemic
The Canadian truckers freedom convoy puts pressure on politicians

As people protesting public health measures related to COVID-19 continued to impede traffic in southern Alberta on Thursday night, Premier Jason Kenney announced his government would be announcing a path forward for the lifting of public health measures next week, acknowledging many Albertans are sick of having limitations on their lives.

Kenney made the announcement in a livestream on social media where he would not need to face questions from reporters. Despite announcing policy changes that protesters are demanding, Kenney said governments should not be swayed by such protests.

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 Kenney said a plan to end Alberta’s vaccine passport program is part of what he expects to announce next week, following a meeting with his COVID-19 cabinet committee. A few days ago, Kenney said he hoped the passport could be eliminated by the end of March.

He said Thursday that he hoped to be able to lift most public health measures by the end of the month if the pressure on the health-care system declines sufficiently.

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Despite Alberta setting a new record a day earlier in terms of total hospitalizations involving patients with COVID-19, Kenney said hospital numbers are stabilizing.

“Thankfully, the Omicron wave has not overwhelmed health-care units,” he said, despite Alberta recently opening field hospitals to accommodate the surge in patients.Kenney said part of the reason he feels it will soon be prudent to lift restrictions is because so many Albertans have gained some immunity from COVID-19, both from getting vaccinated and from getting infected with the virus.

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2 years 7 months ago - 2 years 7 months ago #6 by Editor
Replied by Editor on topic COVID-19 downgraded to epidemic
Iowa to repeal COVID restrictions

Governor Reynolds signed the final extension of the state’s Public Health Disaster Emergency Proclamation today, announcing it will expire at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, February  15, 2022. The signed proclamation can be found  here .

The proclamation was first issued in accordance with the Governor’s executive authority on March 17, 2020, to enable certain public health mitigation measures during the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Over time, it included hundreds of provisions assembled in the midst of an emergency to quickly address a pandemic the nation knew little about. Today, the remaining 16 provisions focus primarily on lingering workforce issues exacerbated by the pandemic that are best addressed outside of emergency executive powers. 

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 “We cannot continue to suspend duly enacted laws and treat COVID-19 as a public health emergency indefinitely. After two years, it’s no longer feasible or necessary. The flu and other infectious illnesses are part of our everyday lives, and coronavirus can be managed similarly,” stated Gov. Reynolds. “State agencies will now manage COVID-19 as part of normal daily business, and reallocate resources that have been solely dedicated to the response effort to serve other important needs for Iowans.” 

The expiration of Iowa’s Public Health Disaster Emergency Proclamation will result in operational changes related to the COVID-19 response. The most noticeable change will be how data is reported publicly. 

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Nearly half of U.S. states have already discontinued their public health proclamations, and several more are set to expire in February if they aren’t renewed.

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