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There is no harm in repeating a good thing.
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The purpose of accountancy is to give a fair view of the economical performance of the organisation.
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There are some basic rules how to run a meeting in an efficient and civilized way that everyone can learn. The most important ones are: Do not interrupt when others are talking, rise your hand and wait for the chairman to say it is your turn, do not talk among yourselves, and stick to the agenda.
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The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends that masks should be worn in areas where the virus is circulating, masks should be worn when you’re in crowded settings, where you can’t be at least 1 metre from others, and in rooms with poor or unknown ventilation.
Appropriate use is essential to make wearing masks effective. Even when masks are worn properly, people should still keep physical distance from others as much as possible. Wearing a mask does not mean you can have close contact with people. Medical masks are for single use only.
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- Category: Facts – Community
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The legislation regulate how the community of property owners should be organised, the different roles and the duties that go with them. The principles are the same as for any professionally run organisation. It is important that the President understands his/her role and duties for the community to work well.
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- Category: Facts – Community
The legislation regulate payment of the community charges and the procedure to force property owners to pay. It is important for the community to take legal action as soon as possible, because it is only the debt of unpaid fees of the current year and the previous three years have the status of preferential.
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The legislation regulate the behaviour and activities that are not allowed within a community of property owners. It also tells the procedure to be used to deal with unwanted behaviour or activities.
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- Category: Facts – Community
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The legislation regulate what building work property owners can do. It also stipulate whom one has to notify any need of urgent repair work.
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The legislation regulate, e.g. to whom to address issues property owners want to be brought up on community meetings, who will have the right to vote, how soon the Minutes has to be signed after the meeting, the procedure to appeal against decisions made by the Board of property owners.
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The possession of any pet defined as potentially dangerous requires obtaining of an administrative license, which will be granted by the municipality of residence of the person who request it.
On public roads and places and spaces for general public use, potentially dangerous dogs have to wear muzzles suitable for their breed and have to be driven and controlled with a non-extensible and unbreakable chain or strap, of 1 meter of maximum length, and adequate to control the animal at all times. No person may carry or drive more than one potentially dangerous dog simultaneously.