To Consider:

Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence and thereby eventually lose all ability to defend ourselves and those we love. In modern economy it is impossible to seal oneself off from injustice.

Julian Assange (1971- ) Australian editor and publisher founded WikiLeaks

Terrazas del Rodeo

Hotel BlueBay Banus

The caretaker criticised the hard working gardener during the community meeting on 9 April 2022 and put him in a bad light. When the attendees had started to leave, then the caretaker spoke up and also blamed a website creating bad reputation for the community.

The caretaker is about to get retired. Why does he take the risk to create a bad image of himself?

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The politicians in Spain have put extreme emphasis on the use of face masks ("mascarillas") among the public to curb the COVID-19 pandemic. This stand in strong contrast to Sweden, where hardly no one have been wearing face masks ("mascarillas"), neither indoors or outdoors.

One could expect that there would be a big difference in the infection rate between the two countries, but this is not the case.

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The knowledge of the problem with squatters in Spain is spreading abroad and some foreigners have already expressed that they will not go ahead with their plan to invest in a property in Spain. It's a bad strategy to try to hide and diminish the problem. Otherwise one deals with issues or it risk blowing up in one's face.

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It was on 22 June 2019 when took its first step out in Cyberspace. Since then we have received high ranking on important search engines and lots of new functions and material have been added.

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It's positive to see how many that has signed up for a user account since the launch of in June.

Some still has to confirm their e-mail address for activating their accounts. Please, check your e-mails. If you haven't received the e-mail for activation or the reminder that has been sent out later, then you might have misspelled your e-mail address and then you have to sign up for a new user account.

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