To Consider:

The measure of a man is what he does with power.

Plato (427 BC-347 BC) Athenian philosopher

Terrazas del Rodeo

Terrazas del Rodeo

The ”Moroso-family” with big debts to the community has put up their apartment for sale, but do not allow some potential buyers to view it!

The majority of their big outstanding debt to the community of more than 13.000 EUR will be almost impossible for the community to recover, if the apartment will be repossessed.

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Terrazas del Rodeo

The new Vice-President “forgot” to mention during his presentation that he has been having a big debt to the community for more then 10 years!

It becomes extra strange that the new Vice-President was promoted during the meeting by the official assistant (Oficial Habilitada) of the Secretary/Administrator, who must have been fully aware that he is a big defaulter (Moroso).

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Terrazas del Rodeo

Over the years some property owners have not kept up their payments to the community and created huge debts to the community. This has been made possible since the Presidents have not fulfilled their duties. Unfortunately it is only the debts from the last three years that have the status of priority.

Due to the statues of the community the Presidents are empowered to appoint any attorney or lawyer to initiate appropriate lawsuits to claim payments that are in defaults. All expenses caused by this procedure will be under the responsibility of the debtor.

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Terrazas del Rodeo

It has been found out that a small group of property owners are aware of the possibility to get a 20% discount of their community fees by paying in advance. Neither the Administrator or those property owners that are members of the board of directors (“Junta Directiva”) seem to communicate this possibility.

Are the members of “Junta Directiva”, who are supposed to work for the best of all property owners, deliberately trying to hide the possibility to get the huge discount from other property owners to avoid to pay more in community fees themselves?

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The government has rapidly reformed the Capital Gain Tax on Properties (Plusvalía) that came into force already on 10 November after the Constitutional Court (Tribunal Constitucional) on 26 October declared the previous part of the law unconstitutional.

The reform guarantees that taxpayers who do not obtain a profit from the sale of a property will be exempt from paying the tax.

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The PVPC tariff (“Precio Voluntario para el Pequeño Consumidor”) changed drastically on 1 June 2021, making electricity slightly cheaper during the nights, but making it much more expensive during peak hours during day-time.

The peak hours on the Spanish mainland are roughly between 8.30 am - 2.00 pm and 5.00 pm - 10.00 pm on 1 June 2021. The price has increased with approx. 60% during these hours in comparison with the previous day, making it much more expensive to run air-conditions and other electrical appliances.

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To understand the present we have to understand the past. By understanding the present we are able to get better ideas of the future.

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Carrefour acquire Supersol and will rebranded the supermarkets to Carrefour's brands at the beginning of 2021. Carrefour wants to use the acquired supermarkets to expand its home delivery capability.

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Many mortgages in Spain are linked to the EURIBOR rate. It is a quite common misunderstanding that the EURIBOR is decided by the European Central Bank (ECB), but that is not the case. It is therefore vital for people with mortgages to understand what EURIBOR is to have a better idea of what can make the interest rate of mortgages to change.

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Terrazas del Rodeo

One could believe that an administration would be keen on property owners to pay their community charges, but this does not seem to be the case with the present administration.

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Terrazas del Rodeo

It has come to our knowledge that the administration has processed several extra unexpected payments without any notification, which is unacceptable. Property owners that pay their community charges by standing order are therefore advised to check that no extra unexpected charges have been made by the administration.

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