To Consider:

When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) American statesman, diplomat, lawyer, architect, philosopher, and Founding Father of the US, who served as the third president of the United States from 1801 to 1809.

Terrazas del Rodeo

Terrazas del Rodeo

Finally, C.P. Terrazas del Rodeo has managed to get rid of José Urbano Consultores as its Administration!

José Urbano Consultores has been a disaster for the community. The lack of transparency, making corruption possible, will now come towards an end.

José Urbano Consultores have not complied with the legislation. They have off-set property owners possibility to legally challenge decisions being made at the community meetings by letting more then three months pass until they have sent the minutes.

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Terrazas del Rodeo

The new Vice-President “forgot” to mention during his presentation that he has been having a big debt to the community for more then 10 years!

It becomes extra strange that the new Vice-President was promoted during the meeting by the official assistant (Oficial Habilitada) of the Secretary/Administrator, who must have been fully aware that he is a big defaulter (Moroso).

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Hotel BlueBay Banus

The caretaker criticised the hard working gardener during the community meeting on 9 April 2022 and put him in a bad light. When the attendees had started to leave, then the caretaker spoke up and also blamed a website creating bad reputation for the community.

The caretaker is about to get retired. Why does he take the risk to create a bad image of himself?

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Terrazas del Rodeo

The caretaker of C.P. Terrazas del Rodeo has been appearing among the staff of Almod House on their website since 2019. At the same time, Almod House begun actively advertising properties for sale on Internet that mainly were located at Terrazas del Rodeo.

People have found it more difficult to get hold of the caretaker and when he is around, then he has frequently been on his mobile talking about properties for sale and for rental.

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Terrazas del Rodeo

Over the years some property owners have not kept up their payments to the community and created huge debts to the community. This has been made possible since the Presidents have not fulfilled their duties. Unfortunately it is only the debts from the last three years that have the status of priority.

Due to the statues of the community the Presidents are empowered to appoint any attorney or lawyer to initiate appropriate lawsuits to claim payments that are in defaults. All expenses caused by this procedure will be under the responsibility of the debtor.

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Terrazas del Rodeo

It has been found out that a small group of property owners are aware of the possibility to get a 20% discount of their community fees by paying in advance. Neither the Administrator or those property owners that are members of the board of directors (“Junta Directiva”) seem to communicate this possibility.

Are the members of “Junta Directiva”, who are supposed to work for the best of all property owners, deliberately trying to hide the possibility to get the huge discount from other property owners to avoid to pay more in community fees themselves?

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Terrazas del Rodeo

José Urbano Consultores

The Administration of the community has unlawfully delayed the distribution of the Minutes (“Acta”) of the latest community meeting, which has made it practical impossible for property owners to legally challenge it.

This should also be seen in the light that the same Administration earlier seems to have registered fake power of attorneys at several occasions for the President of the community.

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Terrazas del Rodeo

The issue of theft of electricity was brought up by representatives of property owners at the latest community meeting on 13 April 2019, but it was never mentioned in the Minutes (“Acta”). Photo evidence of illegal connection was presented too. The illegal connection to one of the apartments was in place from June 2018 until it was sold and refurbished in the spring of 2021.

It seems it was first in a letter on 25 December 2020 where the Secretary-Administrator mentioned theft of electricity to the property owners, by saying that there are no theft of electricity from neither any neighbours or from the community.

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Terrazas del Rodeo

Administrators must know the legislation for communities of property owners. An attendee at the community meeting informed about an article in the legislation that could be used against squatters and criminals within the community. No actions has been taken and it is understood that the Secretary-Administrator, who was chairing the community meeting in an unprofessional way, do not regard as applicable to C.P. Terrazas del Rodeo. This does not correspond with what the association of Administrators of communities of property owners (Colegio de Administradores de Fincas) communicates.

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Gran Hotel Guadalpin Banus

The President of C.P. Terrazas del Rodeo and those who have given her power of attorneys declined video recording of the community meeting. If the meeting would have been recorded, then those who were not present in person could have taken part of it afterwards. Recording of the community meeting would have been useful since the Minutes of the meeting were unlawfully delayed, making it impossible for property owners to legally challenge decisions being made.

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Terrazas del Rodeo

The property owners are kept in darkness about the whereabouts of the Governing Board (“Junta Directiva”). There are no Minutes (“Actas”) presented from their meetings and the property owners are not even provided with contact details of its members, who are supposed to represent all property owners. Poor organisation and poor leadership bring poor performance.

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The latest issue of the magazine CAAF Andalucía - Revista el Administrador - focus on squatters. They explain the role of the Administrator and what he/she should do to deal with squatters.

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It's vital for communities to have a decent management for the community to be taken care of well and for the property owners to get best possible value for the money they pay in community charges. The present management seem to put lots of effort into creating an image that everything is well, but when one is scratching on the surface, then it doesn't look that good. One can discern similarities between how Terrazas del Rodeo is managed and the negative reviews of Jóse Urbano Consultores at Google.

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Terrazas del Rodeo

The management of the community decided to close the showers and the toilets by the swimming pools when the pools were allowed to be used again when the COVID-19 restrictions were eased in June. The showers by the pools are to be used for hygienic reasons. The decision of the management stands in stark contrast to the municipality information, where people were advised to use the showers by the beach as a measurement against COVID-19.

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Terrazas del Rodeo

There has been lots of trouble with the squatters. The young couple with children that moved in and replaced the previous squatters in the squatter apartment in Bloque 6, were violent. The Police took initiative to a court case of domestic violence (“Violencia de Género”) between the squatters. The property owner next door was asked to a witness in court. The young squatter woman withdrew the case meanwhile the property owner next door was sitting waiting to be called in to the court room.

Thereafter, the squatter woman, filed a police report (“Denuncia”) against the property owner who had come to the court as a witness. The case against the property owner next door follow the same pattern and was withdrawn just when the session was supposed to begin in court.

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The young man with a Pitbull, who is associated with “Jefe”, has threatened to kill the same man that “Jefe” earlier has been found guilty of threatening. The Judge at court #4 in Marbella found the young man guilty, but instead of paying the modest fine of 90 EUR, he went to a lawyer and appealed against the sentence. The appeal that the lawyer has given in is full of accusations without any proofs being presented.

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Terrazas del Rodeo

The Police knocked the door of an apartment, next to the squatter flat (1-D), in Bloque 6 on 23 June 2019, 7:57 pm. The two policemen wanted to see the mobile phone of the man staying in the flat. They were looking for photos after another property owner, with big debt to the community, had called the Police and reported the man for pedophilia. The policemen looked at the mobile phone and realized it was a false accusation.

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Terrazas del Rodeo

The President controls the community by Power of Attorneys. Some of the Power of Attorneys seem to be fake. It's believed that some people who works for the community also are engaged in persuading some property owners to grant the President Power of Attorneys, for the community to make decisions that are in their interest.

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Terrazas del Rodeo

It's the big white potential dangerous dog (Dogo Argentino) that has attacked another dog and one of the gardeners within the community garden. The potential dangerous dog was running loose without a muzzle around the upper recreation area of the community garden.

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