To Consider:

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) German-born theoretical physicist

Terrazas del Rodeo

BBC - Science

BBC News - Science & Environment
BBC News
  1. Extracting ground water for growing urban populations causes half of China's big cities to sink.
  2. Extreme heat linked to the deaths of hundreds of people would not have happened without global warming.
  3. Scientists say a fossilised jawbone found in Somerset may be from one of the biggest sea creatures ever.
  4. UK researchers want to understand what triggers the Antarctic to kick out city-sized blocks of ice.
  5. Dubai has been hit by record floods, sparking misleading speculation about cloud seeding.
  6. The US space agency is seeking a cheaper, faster solution to bring Martian rocks to Earth for study.
  7. Ocean heat records have been breaking for months. This is the first global evidence of the impacts on sea life.
  8. "We are not made to sit in a rocking chair and knit," said one of the older Swiss women who won.
  9. Stunning spectacle is witnessed by millions across the continent. Here are some of the stories.
  10. It's the ninth month of global temperature records in a row, driven by climate change and El Niño.