To Consider:

Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do.

Voltaire [François-Marie Arouet] (1694-1778) French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher

Terrazas del Rodeo

The legislation regulate, e.g. to whom to address issues property owners want to be brought up on community meetings, who will have the right to vote, how soon the Minutes has to be signed after the meeting, the procedure to appeal against decisions made by the Board of property owners.

The regulation of communities can be found in the law “Propiedad horizontal“ (Ley 49/1960, de 21 de julio). The law is updated by “Real Decretos” (the Government) or “Leyes” (the Parliament) that afterwards are incorporated in this law. The following text is based on the latest actualization of the law on 5 March 2019.

Communities are required to have at least one community meeting annually for the budget and the accounts to be approved (Junta ordinaria). Besides the annual meeting more meetings can be hold during the year to make decisions or to inform the property owners about issues (Junta extraordinaria).

La Junta de propietarios se reunirá por lo menos una vez al año para aprobar los presupuestos y cuentas y en las demás ocasiones que lo considere conveniente el presidente o lo pidan la cuarta parte de los propietarios, o un número de éstos que representen al menos el 25 por 100 de las cuotas de participación.

(Artículo 16.1, Ley 49/1960)

It is the President who produce the agenda (Orden del día) of the community meetings. Property owners that have issues they want to be brought up on a community meeting, should present it in writing to the President. The President then has to include the issue in the agenda.

Cualquier propietario podrá pedir que la Junta de propietarios estudie y se pronuncie sobre cualquier tema de interés para la comunidad; a tal efecto dirigirá escrito, en el que especifique claramente los asuntos que pide sean tratados, al presidente, el cual los incluirá en el orden del día de la siguiente Junta que se celebre.

(Artículo 16.2, Ley 49/1960)

The agenda of the meetings will contain matters to be discussed, the place, day and time to be held.

The agenda will contain a list of the owners who are not up to date in the payment of debts to the community and will warn of the deprivation of the right to vote.

La convocatoria de las Juntas la hará el presidente y, en su defecto, los promotores de la reunión, con indicación de los asuntos a tratar, el lugar, día y hora en que se celebrará en primera o, en su caso, en segunda convocatoria, practicándose las citaciones en la forma establecida en el artículo 9. La convocatoria contendrá una relación de los propietarios que no estén al corriente en el pago de las deudas vencidas a la comunidad y advertirá de la privación del derecho de voto si se dan los supuestos previstos en el artículo 15.2.

(Artículo 16.2, apartado 1, Ley 49/1960)

The Agenda of the annual community meeting (Junta ordinaria) has to be communicated to the property owners minimum six days in advance, but it is advisable to communicate it as long in advance as possible. The Agenda of the other community meetings (Junta extraordinaria) can be communicated with a shorter notice, but should be communicated as long in advance as possible.

La citación para la Junta ordinaria anual se hará, cuando menos, con seis días de antelación, y para las extraordinarias, con la que sea posible para que pueda llegar a conocimiento de todos los interesados.

(Artículo 16.3, Ley 49/1960)

The owners who at the time of the meeting are not up to date with the payment of all debts to the community and have not judicially challenged them, can participate in the discussions although they will not have the right to vote.

Los propietarios que en el momento de iniciarse la junta no se encontrasen al corriente en el pago de todas las deudas vencidas con la comunidad y no hubiesen impugnado judicialmente las mismas o procedido a la consignación judicial o notarial de la suma adeudada, podrán participar en sus deliberaciones si bien no tendrán derecho de voto. El acta de la Junta reflejará los propietarios privados del derecho de voto, cuya persona y cuota de participación en la comunidad no será computada a efectos de alcanzar las mayorías exigidas en esta Ley.

(Artículo 15.2, Ley 49/1960)

The Minutes (Acta) of the community meetings are quite straight forward to produce, since they're based on the Agenda and contains the decisions being made and can also include what has been discussed. Skilled Secretaries can even type the Minutes during the community meetings. The Minutes (Junta ordinaria/extraordinaria) have to be signed by the President (presidente) and the Secretary (secretario) within 10 days.

El acta deberá cerrarse con las firmas del presidente y del secretario al terminar la reunión o dentro de los diez días naturales siguientes. Desde su cierre los acuerdos serán ejecutivos, salvo que la Ley previere lo contrario.

(Artículo 19.3, Ley 49/1960)

Property owners can appeal to court against decisions being made on the following grounds:

  1. When a decision is in conflict with legislation or the statutes of the community
  2. When a decision is seriously injurious to the interests of the community itself for the benefit of one or more owners.
  3. When a decison is of serious damage for some property owners that does not have legal obligation to support it or have been adopted with abuse of right.

Los acuerdos de la Junta de Propietarios serán impugnables ante los tribunales de conformidad con lo establecido en la legislación procesal general, en los siguientes supuestos:

  1. Cuando sean contrarios a la ley o a los estatutos de la comunidad de propietarios.
  2. Cuando resulten gravemente lesivos para los intereses de la propia comunidad en beneficio de uno o varios propietarios.
  3. Cuando supongan un grave perjuicio para algún propietario que no tenga obligación jurídica de soportarlo o se hayan adoptado con abuso de derecho.

(Artículo 18.1, Ley 49/1960)

To legally challenge the agreements of the Board of property owners, the owner must be up to date in the payment of all the debts to the community or proceed previously with payment of the same amount to the court. This rule shall not apply to challenge the agreements of the Board of property owners regarding the establishment or alteration of the fees referred to in article 9 (Ley 49/1960).

Property owners who have not voted at the community meeting, e.g. because they have not attended the meeting and those who had unduly been deprived of their right to vote are also entitled to challenge these agreements.

Estarán legitimados para la impugnación de estos acuerdos los propietarios que hubiesen salvado su voto en la Junta, los ausentes por cualquier causa y los que indebidamente hubiesen sido privados de su derecho de voto. Para impugnar los acuerdos de la Junta el propietario deberá estar al corriente en el pago de la totalidad de las deudas vencidas con la comunidad o proceder previamente a la consignación judicial de las mismas. Esta regla no será de aplicación para la impugnación de los acuerdos de la Junta relativos al establecimiento o alteración de las cuotas de participación a que se refiere el artículo 9 entre los propietarios.

(Artículo 18.2, Ley 49/1960)

The legal challenge has to be done within three months from the time of the decision by the Board of the property owners. If the matter of the legal challenge do not correspond with the legislation or the statues of the community, then it has to be done within one year from the time of the decision by the Board of the property owners.

For those property owners that did not attend the community meeting, then the time to challenge the decision starts to count from the time of the communication of the agreement.

La acción caducará a los tres meses de adoptarse el acuerdo por la Junta de propietarios, salvo que se trate de actos contrarios a la ley o a los estatutos, en cuyo caso la acción caducará al año. Para los propietarios ausentes dicho plazo se computará a partir de la comunicación del acuerdo conforme al procedimiento establecido en el artículo 9.

(Artículo 18.3, Ley 49/1960)

Challenging the agreements of the Board will not suspend their execution, unless the judge so provides as a precautionary measure, at the request of the plaintiff, after hearing the community of owners.

La impugnación de los acuerdos de la Junta no suspenderá su ejecución, salvo que el juez así lo disponga con carácter cautelar, a solicitud del demandante, oída la comunidad de propietarios.

(Artículo 18.4, Ley 49/1960)

Disclaimer: Be aware this is an interpretation of the the legislation and might not correspond with the intention of the lawmaker.




Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE)

Ley 49/1960, 21 July, sobre propiedad horizontal.

The Administrator has to:

  1. To watch over the good keeping of the community, its facilities and services, and to make relevant warnings to the property owners.
  2. Prepare in due time and submit to the Board of property owners the plan of foreseeable expenses, proposing the necessary means to meet them.
  3. Attend to the maintenance of the community, arranging the repairs and measures that are urgent, immediately reporting them to the President or, where appropriate, to the property owners.
  4. To execute the agreements adopted in the matter of works and to make the payments and to carry out the collection of community fees.
  5. Act, as the case may be, as secretary of the Board of property owners and keep the documentation of the community to be available for the property owners.
  6. All other assigned powers by the Board of property owners.

(Artículo 20, Ley 49/1960)

The owner and the occupant of the apartment or premises are not allowed to develop in it or in the rest of the property activities prohibited in the statutes, that are harmful to the property or that contravene the general provisions on annoying, unhealthy, harmful, dangerous or illicit. (Artículo 7.2, apartado 2, Ley 49/1960)

The president of the community, on his own initiative or that of any of the owners or occupants, will require those who carry out the activities prohibited by this section to immediately cease them, under warning of initiating the appropriate legal actions. (Artículo 7.2, apartado 2, Ley 49/1960)

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