The legislation regulate the behaviour and activities that are not allowed within a community of property owners. It also tells the procedure to be used to deal with unwanted behaviour or activities.
The regulation of communities can be found in the law “Sobre propiedad horizontal“ (Ley 49/1960, de 21 de julio). The law is updated by “Real Decretos” (the Government) or “Leyes” (the Parliament) that afterwards are incorporated in this law. The following text is based on the latest actualization of the law on 5 March 2019.
Property owners or dwellers are not allowed to carry out activities that are:
- Prohibited in the statutes
- Harmful to the property
- In conflict with the following:
- Annoying
- Unhealthy
- Harmful
- Dangerous
- Illegal
Al propietario y al ocupante del piso o local no les está permitido desarrollar en él o en el resto del inmueble actividades prohibidas en los estatutos, que resulten dañosas para la finca o que contravengan las disposiciones generales sobre actividades molestas, insalubres, nocivas, peligrosas o ilícitas.
(Artículo 7.2, apartado 1, Ley 49/1960)
It is the duty of the President of the community to address those that who carry out prohibited activities and will require them to be immediately ceased. The President can do this on his/her initiative or on request from any of the property owners or dwellers.
El presidente de la comunidad, a iniciativa propia o de cualquiera de los propietarios u ocupantes, requerirá a quien realice las actividades prohibidas por este apartado la inmediata cesación de las mismas, bajo apercibimiento de iniciar las acciones judiciales procedentes.
(Artículo 7.2, apartado 2, Ley 49/1960)
If the prohibited activity is not being ceased, then the President may file a lawsuit, after authorization from the Board of the property owners.
Si el infractor persistiere en su conducta el Presidente, previa autorización de la Junta de propietarios, debidamente convocada al efecto, podrá entablar contra él acción de cesación que, en lo no previsto expresamente por este artículo, se sustanciará a través del juicio ordinario.
(Artículo 7.2, apartado 3, Ley 49/1960)
Once the lawsuit has been filed the judge may agree to immediate cessation of the prohibited activity. The claim must be directed against the property owner or, when appropriated, against the occupant of the home or premise.
Presentada la demanda, acompañada de la acreditación del requerimiento fehaciente al infractor y de la certificación del acuerdo adoptado por la Junta de propietarios, el juez podrá acordar con carácter cautelar la cesación inmediata de la actividad prohibida, bajo apercibimiento de incurrir en delito de desobediencia. Podrá adoptar asimismo cuantas medidas cautelares fueran precisas para asegurar la efectividad de la orden de cesación. La demanda habrá de dirigirse contra el propietario y, en su caso, contra el ocupante de la vivienda o local.
(Artículo 7.2, apartado 4, Ley 49/1960)
Besides being a definitive cessation of the prohibited activity and compensation for damages and losses, the person in question could loose the right to use the home or premise for a period up to three years, which depends on the severity and damages caused to the community. If the offender is not the owner, then the sentence may declare all his rights relating to the home or premise permanently revoked with an immediate eviction.
Si la sentencia fuese estimatoria podrá disponer, además de la cesación definitiva de la actividad prohibida y la indemnización de daños y perjuicios que proceda, la privación del derecho al uso de la vivienda o local por tiempo no superior a tres años, en función de la gravedad de la infracción y de los perjuicios ocasionados a la comunidad. Si el infractor no fuese el propietario, la sentencia podrá declarar extinguidos definitivamente todos sus derechos relativos a la vivienda o local, así como su inmediato lanzamiento.
(Artículo 7.2, apartado 5, Ley 49/1960)
Disclaimer: Be aware this is an interpretation of the the legislation and might not correspond with the intention of the lawmaker.
Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE)
Ley 49/1960, 21 July, sobre propiedad horizontal.
The Administrator has to:
- To watch over the good keeping of the community, its facilities and services, and to make relevant warnings to the property owners.
- Prepare in due time and submit to the Board of property owners the plan of foreseeable expenses, proposing the necessary means to meet them.
- Attend to the maintenance of the community, arranging the repairs and measures that are urgent, immediately reporting them to the President or, where appropriate, to the property owners.
- To execute the agreements adopted in the matter of works and to make the payments and to carry out the collection of community fees.
- Act, as the case may be, as secretary of the Board of property owners and keep the documentation of the community to be available for the property owners.
- All other assigned powers by the Board of property owners.
(Artículo 20, Ley 49/1960)
The owner and the occupant of the apartment or premises are not allowed to develop in it or in the rest of the property activities prohibited in the statutes, that are harmful to the property or that contravene the general provisions on annoying, unhealthy, harmful, dangerous or illicit. (Artículo 7.2, apartado 2, Ley 49/1960)
The president of the community, on his own initiative or that of any of the owners or occupants, will require those who carry out the activities prohibited by this section to immediately cease them, under warning of initiating the appropriate legal actions. (Artículo 7.2, apartado 2, Ley 49/1960)