To Consider:

Justice in the life and conduct of the State is possible only as first it resides in the hearts and souls of the citizens.

Plato (427 BC-347 BC) Athenian philosopher

Terrazas del Rodeo

Terrazas del Rodeo

High rating on search engines are vital to be visible online. has gained high rating among the important search engines. Property owners can now benefit from the high rating by the launch of Web Links.

Web Links can be submitted in any of the following categories:

The concept is simple. One just submit a link to a web page where one's property is marketed. The Web Link is then shown in its category. People that are looking at can then get an overview of the properties within the community that is being markeded, since it's only properties at Urb. Terrazas del Rodeo that are shown.

All properties used for Holiday lettings within Andalucía must be registered at Junta de Andalucía. Web Links are only listed for those Holiday letting properties that are registered.

Web Links that are submitted to apartments with an outstanding debt to the community will be declined. An exception can be made for those apartments where the debt can be regarded as temporary, e.g. due to a few payments that has not gone through.

Submitting Web Links are for free and can be done by registered users.

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