To Consider:

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) German-born theoretical physicist

Terrazas del Rodeo


It's vital for communities to have a decent management for the community to be taken care of well and for the property owners to get best possible value for the money they pay in community charges. The present management seem to put lots of effort into creating an image that everything is well, but when one is scratching on the surface, then it doesn't look that good. One can discern similarities between how Terrazas del Rodeo is managed and the negative reviews of Jóse Urbano Consultores at Google.

There are plenty of people giving José Urbano Consultores terrible reviews at Google. The normal thing would have been to respond to the bad reviews they receive. Instead there appear reviews in Spanish that are diametrically opposite and give highest possible rating. Something stands out as wrong when the reviews of a company only falls into the two extreme categories of worst and best possible reviews, which also has been commented in some of the reviews.

eli19 li

-- the funniest thing is that after a few bad review from real clients the owner is asking 18 friends to put 5* the same day to go back to 3 as a review ---

mary diaz

(Translated by Google)

I am struck by the sudden good reviews of this company. All on the same day. Obviously personal friends have come into the game.

Jóse Urbano Pomares has been the Secretary-Administrator of C.P. Terrazas del Rodeo since July 2012. During his management the total outstanding debt from those property owners that has defaulted on their community charges has increased by 68,357 Euros, from 260,734 Euros (14/07/12) to 329,091 Euros (31/12/18).

There're already a number of articles being published at indicating problems with the management of the community. It seems that even other property owners at various communities administrated by José Urbano Consultores experience the same kind of poor management.

Here are examples of what other people are saying in their negative reviews at Google:

  • The worst community managers we've ever had”
  • . . .when they pay for services or buy something for the community, prices and invoices are excessively expensive”
  • ". . . sometimes they do not comply with what was agreed in the owners' meetings even once it took months to send the minutes of the ordinary meeting"
  • Plenty of evidence of unnecessary work being undertaken to favour certain owners.”
    “Unable / unwilling to resolve an over payment of Community Fees dating back years.”
  • “No transparency at all and very poor supervision.”
  • Purchases are made at exorbitant prices”
  • Very bad management.”
  • "Too high invoices and quotes."
  • ". . . total lack of respect, listening and dialogue with foreign owners."
  • . . . the condition of the plant has deteriorated constantly. - - - Even after inquiries from individual homeowners and promises by the administration to deal with the complaints, there was no improvement.”
  • "We would have expected that an administration paid by the house owners would also act in the interests of the client community. This is not the case."
  • They are experts that yes, manipulating the information and the neighbors, managing in some cases to divide them with the nefarious purpose of staying in a community where a significant majority of neighbors do not want them ...”
  • A devastating experience, they don't answer emails, they don't answer the phone, they are rude and pushy”
  • Worst experience possible --- just there to take the money -- doubtful management as clearly not taking the time to check for best prices - no supervision of maintenance”

Google reviews of José Urbano Consultores

Sorted by: Newest first

eli19 li

Worst experience possible --- just there to take the money -- doubtful management as clearly not taking the time to check for best prices - no supervision of maintenance - clearly to be avoided -- the funniest thing is that after a few bad review from real clients the owner is asking 18 friends to put 5* the same day to go back to 3 as a review ---

fabulosa Diaz

Una experiencia devastadora, no responden los correos electrónicos, no atienden el teléfono, son groseros y prepotentes


(Translated by Google)
A devastating experience, they don't answer emails, they don't answer the phone, they are rude and pushy

mary diaz

Terrible la experiencia que hemos tenido en nuestra comunidad con sus servicios. Son expertos eso si, manipulando la información y a los vecinos, logrando en algunos casos dividirlos con el propósito infame de permanecer en una comunidad donde una mayoría importante de vecinos no los quiere...
Me llama la atención que haya buenas reseñas de esta compañía de repente. Todas en el mismo día. Obviamente los amigos personales han entrado en el juego.


(Translated by Google)
Terrible the experience we have had in our community with your services. They are experts that yes, manipulating the information and the neighbors, managing in some cases to divide them with the nefarious purpose of staying in a community where a significant majority of neighbors do not want them ...
I am struck by the sudden good reviews of this company. All on the same day. Obviously personal friends have come into the game.

José Carlos Fernández Erdozain

Un gran equipo tanto en lo profesional como en lo personal. Un trabajo impecable tanto en asesoría fiscal como en administración de fincas y el resto de departamentos. Atención personalizada y han estado pendientes de todo durante el confinamiento. Sin duda los recomendaría a todo el mundo.


(Translated by Google)
A great team both professionally and personally. An impeccable job both in tax advice and in administration of estates and the rest of the departments. Personalized attention and they have been aware of everything during the confinement. I would definitely recommend them to everyone.

Judith Mendiolagoitia Iglesias

Recomiendo al 100% Jose urbano Asesores , el trato es excelente de todos lo componentes del equipo, me han solucionado varías gestiones en un tiempo récord Y personalizado , el asesoramiento brindado ha sido excelente. Mil gracias por todo!! Sin duda os recomendaré !


(Translated by Google)
I recommend 100% Jose Urban Asesores, the treatment of all the members of the team is excellent, they have solved several procedures in record time AND personalized, the advice provided has been excellent. Thanks a lot for everything!! I will definitely recommend you !!

Noelia Navarro

Grandes profesionales!! Súper la gestión del departamento de Administración de Fincas, con una carga de trabajo brutal, y el estrés añadido de tratar con muchos propietarios, es de agradecer su profesionalidad y trato impecable!!


(Translated by Google)
Great professionals !! Super management of the Property Administration department, with a brutal workload, and the added stress of dealing with many owners, their professionalism and impeccable treatment is to be appreciated!

Lourdes Aguilera

Recomendable 100% en todas sus áreas. Profesionales y muy resolutivos, incluso los fines de semana hacen todo lo posible por arreglar cualquier improvisto de última hora.


(Translated by Google)
100% recommendable in all areas. Professional and very decisive, even on weekends they do everything possible to fix any last minute improvisation.

Javier Vega westphal

Como presidente de mi comunidad solo Puedo decir que estoy muy satisfecho con la gestión de Urbano consultores. Tanto en la gestión de la administración como en la gestión del mantenimiento estamos muy satisfechos. El trato con Rosa es exquisito y muy profesional. Después de varias malas experiencias hemos encontrado la empresa idónea para q nos gestione la comunidad.
Altamente recomendable.


(Translated by Google)
As president of my community, I can only say that I am very satisfied with the management of Urbano consultores. Both in the administration management and in the maintenance management we are very satisfied. The treatment with Rosa is exquisite and very professional. After several bad experiences we have found the right company for the community to manage us.
Highly recommended.

Marcos Del Molino

Definitivamente son unos gestores excepcionales. Siempre atentos a cualquier eventualidad. Constante comunicación con la comunidad.
Destaco la Labor de Rosa, que en una inundación sucedida este verano, siempre ha estado pendiente de los Desperfectos y del Proceso de reparación.La manera de llevar las juntas es concisa y a la vez eficiente. Tratan todos los temas con profesionalidad.Si buscáis gestores de comunidad, recomiendo Urbano consultores. En muchos años con ellos nunca hemos tenido un problema.


(Translated by Google)
They are definitely exceptional managers. Always attentive to any eventuality. Constant communication with the community.
I highlight Rosa's Work, who in a flood that occurred this summer, has always been aware of the Damages and the Repair Process The way of carrying the joints is concise and at the same time efficient. They treat all issues professionally. If you are looking for community managers, I recommend Urbano consultores. In many years with them we have never had a problem.

Andreas Redinger

Wir besitzen seit ca 3 Jahren ein Haus in einer Anlage, die von der Fa. Jose Urbano Consultores verwaltet wird. In diesen 3 Jahren hat sich der Zustand der Anlage konstant verschlechtert. Ohne Absprache mit den jeweiligen Hauseigentuemern wurden Hecken und Bepflanzungen in den privaten Gaerten und den oeffentlichen Bereiche ohne Ersatz entfernt. Statt auf Hecken schaut man jetzt auf Maschendrahtzaun und kahlen Boden, der der Erosion ausgesetzt ist. Selbst nach Anfragen einzelner Hausbesitzer und Zusagen der Verwaltung sich der Beschwerden anzunehmen, erfolgte keine Besserung. Die Wartung der Infrastruktur wurde vernachlaessigt und Schaeden an den Allgemeingebaeuden wurden nicht repariert. Die Interessen der Hausbesitzer wurden ignoriert.
Eine konstruktive Kommunikation war nicht moeglich, das Gegenteil ist der Fall, man wird als Bittsteller abgefertigt.
Wir haetten erwartet, das eine von von den Hausbesitzern bezahlte Verwaltung auch im Sinne der Auftraggebergemeinschaft handelt. Dies ist nicht der Fall. Wir hatten zeitweise einen gegenteiligen Eindruck. Aufgrund unserer Erfahrungen koennen wir dieses Unternehmen nicht weiter empfehlen


(Translated by Google)
We have had a house for about 3 years in a facility managed by Jose Urbano Consultores. In these 3 years the condition of the plant has deteriorated constantly. Without consulting the respective homeowners, hedges and plantings in the private gardens and public areas were removed without replacement. Instead of looking at hedges, one now looks at chain link fences and bare ground that is exposed to erosion. Even after inquiries from individual homeowners and promises by the administration to deal with the complaints, there was no improvement. The maintenance of the infrastructure was neglected and damage to the general buildings was not repaired. The interests of the homeowners were ignored.
A constructive communication was not possible, the opposite is the case, one is dealt with as a supplicant.
We would have expected that an administration paid by the house owners would also act in the interests of the client community. This is not the case. At times we got the opposite impression. Based on our experience, we cannot recommend this company to anyone

Najwa El Gharbi

Très mauvais management. Aucun entretien de la résidence. Des factures et devis bien trop élevés . Destruction des jardins par manque d arrosage et avec la volonté de tout arracher et couper, nos Cycas, nos bougainvilliers, nos rosiers. Les barrières des jardins ont été dénudé privant les propriétaires de verdure et d intimité , ceci sans notre consentement et en notre absence ( Février)...
En plus du manque total de respect ,d écoute et de dialogue avec les propriétaires étrangers .
Donc à éviter..


(Translated by Google)
Very bad management. No maintenance of the residence. Too high invoices and quotes. Destruction of gardens due to lack of watering and with the desire to uproot and cut everything, our Cycas, our bougainvilleas, our roses. The garden barriers have been stripped depriving the owners of greenery and privacy, without our consent and in our absence (February) ...

In addition to the total lack of respect, listening and dialogue with foreign owners.

So to avoid ..

Linda De Cauwer

No transparency at all and very poor supervision . The monthly fees for our community keep rising while urgent maintenance is neglected. Purchases are made at exorbitant prices when comparing prices in the internet is so easy!

Wilf Fleming

Unfortunately this is only my second one star review and I must have done over 100 reviews.
Our community has fees of over €180 per month and there is little to show for it (no lift to speak off and small swimming pool) and yet the community is not in a good state of repair. Numerous defects have been highlighted to the administrator but they are not actioned.
Plenty of evidence of unnecessary work being undertaken to favour certain owners.
Unable / unwilling to resolve an over payment of Community Fees dating back years.
Avoid this company, do not use them, they provide a poor service and you will regret it if you do.

[Photos of damages]


Los peores administradores de fincas que hemos tenido. No realizan ninguna supervisión proactiva de las instalaciones comunitarias, cuando pagan servicios o compran algo para la comunidad los precios y facturas son excesivamente caros cuando los mismos productos o servicios se pueden encontrar más baratos, no cumplen a veces lo acordado en las juntas de propietarios incluso una vez tardaron meses en mandar el acta de la junta ordinaria.......podría seguir pero no merece la pena. Definitivamente no recomendable a no ser que quieran arruinar su comunidad de vecinos .


(Translated by Google)
The worst community managers we've ever had. They do not carry out any proactive supervision of community facilities, when they pay for services or buy something for the community, prices and invoices are excessively expensive when the same products or services can be found cheaper, sometimes they do not comply with what was agreed in the owners' meetings even once it took months to send the minutes of the ordinary meeting ....... I could go on but it's not worth it. Definitely not recommended unless you want to ruin your neighborhood community.

Yuriy Yuriyovych

Son muy amables y resolutivos. Gestionan asuntos de extranjería como primera tarjeta de residencia y renovación de la tarjeta de residencia rapido y con buen precio. Recomiendo!!!


(Translated by Google)
They are very friendly and decisive. They manage immigration matters as the first residence card and renewal of the fast residence card at a good price. I recommend!!!

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Normas Deontológicas y Responsabilidades de Administradores de Fincas

Translation from Spanish to English of the Ethical Rules and Responsibilites of Property Administrators

Consejería de justicia y administración pública BOJA nº 66, de 4 abril 2008, 3. Otras disposiciones, páginas 49-50

Referencia: BOJA nº 66 de 04/04/2008 - Código Deontológico

The administrator must be registered as a practitioner in order to manage a community.

(Article 56, F)

Property Administrators will be subject to criminal liability for crimes and misdemeanors incurred in their professional practice, and civil liability when they cause damage to property or interests whose administration they are entrusted with, being obliged in this case to compensate the damages caused.

(Article 57)

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Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE)

Ley 49/1960, 21 July, sobre propiedad horizontal.

The Administrator has to:

  1. To watch over the good keeping of the community, its facilities and services, and to make relevant warnings to the property owners.
  2. Prepare in due time and submit to the Board of property owners the plan of foreseeable expenses, proposing the necessary means to meet them.
  3. Attend to the maintenance of the community, arranging the repairs and measures that are urgent, immediately reporting them to the President or, where appropriate, to the property owners.
  4. To execute the agreements adopted in the matter of works and to make the payments and to carry out the collection of community fees.
  5. Act, as the case may be, as secretary of the Board of property owners and keep the documentation of the community to be available for the property owners.
  6. All other assigned powers by the Board of property owners.

(Artículo 20, Ley 49/1960)

The owner and the occupant of the apartment or premises are not allowed to develop in it or in the rest of the property activities prohibited in the statutes, that are harmful to the property or that contravene the general provisions on annoying, unhealthy, harmful, dangerous or illicit. (Artículo 7.2, apartado 2, Ley 49/1960)

The president of the community, on his own initiative or that of any of the owners or occupants, will require those who carry out the activities prohibited by this section to immediately cease them, under warning of initiating the appropriate legal actions. (Artículo 7.2, apartado 2, Ley 49/1960)

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