To Consider:

Corruption is worse than prostitution. The latter might endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country.

Karl Kraus (1874-1936) Austrian writer and journalist

Terrazas del Rodeo

The possession of any pet defined as potentially dangerous requires obtaining of an administrative license, which will be granted by the municipality of residence of the person who request it.

On public roads and places and spaces for general public use, potentially dangerous dogs have to wear muzzles suitable for their breed and have to be driven and controlled with a non-extensible and unbreakable chain or strap, of 1 meter of maximum length, and adequate to control the animal at all times. No person may carry or drive more than one potentially dangerous dog simultaneously.

List of dog breeds considered dangerous

In Andalucía are those dogs that belong to the following breeds considered potentially dangerous dogs (PPP):

Requirements to obtain the license of possession of potentially dangerous animals

To obtain the license, the person must prove compliance with the following requirements:

  • Be of age of majority (18 years old)

  • Not have been convicted of crimes of murder, injury, torture, freedom or against fundamental rights, sexual freedom and public health, association with an armed gang or drug trafficking, as well as not being deprived by judicial decision of the right to Possession of potentially dangerous animals.

  • Not having been sanctioned in the last three years for serious or very serious offence of those provided for in article 13.3 of Law 50/1999, of December 23. However, it will not be an impediment to obtaining or, where appropriate, renewal of the license, having been sanctioned with the temporary suspension of the same, provided that, at the time of the request, the previously imposed suspension sanction has been complied with. entirely.

  • Have physical and psychological capacity for the possession of potentially dangerous animals.

  • In case the license is for the possession of potentially dangerous dogs, one has to pass a course on basic training of potentially dangerous dogs, organized by an Official College of Veterinarians, or by the Association for the Protection of Animals or Federation or Association of Breeding and Training Dogs, duly recognized, and taught by accredited trainers.

  • Subscription of a civil liability insurance for personal and material damages to third parties, caused by potentially dangerous animals, with a coverage of not less than € 175,000 per claim.



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