To Consider:

A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers.

Plato (427 BC-347 BC) Athenian philosopher

Terrazas del Rodeo

Terrazas del Rodeo

The management of the community decided to close the showers and the toilets by the swimming pools when the pools were allowed to be used again when the COVID-19 restrictions were eased in June. The showers by the pools are to be used for hygienic reasons. The decision of the management stands in stark contrast to the municipality information, where people were advised to use the showers by the beach as a measurement against COVID-19.

The Administrator let his assistant send an email to the property owners on 1 June 2020, where they informed that the showers and the toilets by the swimming pools were going to be closed. In the same email they also informed that the official opening of the swimming pools were on 1 July and then the use of the bathrooms were the responsibility by those using it.

We remind your that the official opening, with SOCORRISTA [Lifeguard] is like every year from July 1 to August 31, so the bathroom on this date is under your responsibility.

The showers by the swimming pools were kept closed during the entire summer and for the rest of the year.

The showers by the swimming pools are for being used of a hygienic reason before people get into the pool to reduce the amount of bacteria in the water. The signs by the swimming pools inform that people have to use the showers before getting into the pools.

Compulsory to use the shower before using the pool (OBLIGATORIEDAD DE USAR LA DUCHA ANTES DE UTILIZAR LA PISCINA)

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Keeping the showers by the swimming pools closed during an ongoing pandemic, stand in stark contrast to the instructions given by the Municipality of Marbella to use in the beaches. Due to the signs by the beaches people are advised to use the beach showers to prevent the COVID-19.


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The showers by the beaches have been kept opened.

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How is it possible that the Administrator can come up with an idea to close the showers by the swimming pools, when the municipality kept the showers open by the beaches and advised people to use them to prevent COVID-19?

It's also strange that the Administrator informed that the toilets by the swimming pools would be open from 1 July and then continued to keep the showers closed. The showers by the swimming pools are to be used of an hygienic reason, which is not the case for the toilets since every one can get home and use their own toilets.

As we already have shown in an earlier article the swimming pools were dirty when they opened, despite the fact that the maintenance staff had had two months to clean it thoroughly during the “Lock-down” when no one was allowed to use them.

Date: 27 June 2020
Date: 27 June 2020
Date: 27 June 2020
Date: 27 June 2020
Date: 27 June 2020
Date: 27 June 2020

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