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A functioning, robust democracy requires a healthy educated, participatory followership, and an educated, morally grounded leadership.

Chinua Achebe (1930-2013) Nigerian novelist, poet, and critic

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Regulation of Qualified Assistants of Property Administra Regulation of Qualified Assistants of Property Administrators
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Reglamento de oficiales habilitados de administradores de fincas ejercientes

(Google Translation)

It is increasingly necessary for the Property Administrator to be able to delegate some of his functions to certain collaborators and / or staff of his office, especially highlighting the attendance at the Owners' Meetings.

Al Administrador de Fincas le resulta cada vez más necesario poder delegar algunas de sus funciones en determinados colaboradores y/o personal de su despacho, destacando especialmente la asistencia a las Juntas de Propietarios.

(Google Translation)

Fourth.- The authorization will be personal for a specific administrator. . .

Cuarto.- La habilitación será personal para un administrador . . .

(Google Translation)

Fifth.- From the moment that the authorized person obtains his credential after passing the corresponding tests, the collegiate administrator as practitioner to whom the authorization is circumscribed will be directly responsible from the deontological point of view of all those infractions in which said authorized person may incur in the performance of their duties.

Quinto.- Desde el momento que el habilitado obtiene su credencial tras superar las correspondientes pruebas, el administrador colegiado como ejerciente al que se circunscribe la habilitación será responsable directo desde el punto de vista deontológico de todas aquellas infracciones en las que dicho habilitado pueda incurrir en el desempeño de sus labores.

Created 2021-09-13
Changed 2021-09-13
Size 1.48 MB
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MD5 Checksum 0a8405bcfc018489ac16a32cafd17932
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