To Consider:

If a man neglects education, he walks lame to the end of his life.

Plato (427 BC-347 BC) Athenian philosopher

Terrazas del Rodeo

Terrazas del Rodeo

It has been found out that a small group of property owners are aware of the possibility to get a 20% discount of their community fees by paying in advance. Neither the Administrator or those property owners that are members of the board of directors (“Junta Directiva”) seem to communicate this possibility.

Are the members of “Junta Directiva”, who are supposed to work for the best of all property owners, deliberately trying to hide the possibility to get the huge discount from other property owners to avoid to pay more in community fees themselves?

The cost of running the community is shared between the property owners. If the majority of the property owners would pay in advance and get the 20% discount of their community fees, then the community would have to increase the community fees for to be able to collect enough money to run the community.

The statues of the community (C.P. Terrazas del Rodeo) state that property owners can get 20% discount of their community fees, if they pay in advance.

The fees must be paid in advance in four instalments, the first during the month of October, the second during the month of December, the third during the month of March and the fourth during the month of June of each year. The budget will be prepared to include an item in such a way that it allows giving a 20% discount to owners who pay the quarterly fee in advance in the first month of each quarter.


Statutes: Payment of the Community Fees

The Administrator has never prepared the budget to include an item that allows giving a 20% discount. If this would have been done, then the possibility to get a 20% discount would have been made visible.

  • Budget 2018
  • Budget 2019
  • Budget 2020 – No budget approved by the board of property owners!
  • Budget 2021 – No budget approved by the board of property owners!

The fact that some property owners get 20% discount of their community fees should have been visible in the accounts and in the annual financial statements too, but this is not the case!

Isn't it unfair and completely out of order the possibility to get this huge discount that is not communicated clearly to every single property owner?

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  • Norms of the legal regime covered in the deed - C.P. Terrazas del Rodeo


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