To Consider:

We are twice armed if we fight with faith.

Plato (427 BC-347 BC) Athenian philosopher

Terrazas del Rodeo

Carrefour acquire Supersol and will rebranded the supermarkets to Carrefour's brands at the beginning of 2021. Carrefour wants to use the acquired supermarkets to expand its home delivery capability.

The French retail giant Carrefour acquire Supersol from Lithuania's Maxima for 78 millions euros. The acquisition is planed to be completed at the beginning of 2021. The Lithuanians bought Supersol from Dinosol in 2012. Supersol employs about 4,000 people and the turn over 2019 was about 450 million euros.

Supersol has 173 supermarkets in Spain and the majority are located in Andalucía and Madrid. All supermarkets, except one are included in the deal. Carrefour is planing to replace the Supersol brand with Carrefour Express and Carrefour Market.

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