To Consider:

The greatest wealth is to live content with little.

Plato (427 BC-347 BC) Athenian philosopher

Terrazas del Rodeo

Every one arriving to Spain will have to self-isolate for 14 days as a precaution to prevent the spread of coronavirus. It will apply to residents and non-residents coming from any other country and will take affect from Friday, 15 May.

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During the quarantine period one has to remain inside one's home or rented accommodation. Face masks must be worn all the time. One will only be allowed to get out to buy food or medication, or to seek medical assistance.

Airlines will have to provide their customers with Passenger Location Cards (“formulario de salud pública para localizar a los pasajeros”) that the travellers must have when entering Spain. The health authorities may contact travellers in self-quarantine to check their health status. Anyone who shows symptoms of illness has to call the health care.

For the time being, the quarantine rule will affect very few, since the border control has been extended until 24 May. Only the following people are allowed to enter the spanish national territory by land:

  1. Spanish citizens
  2. Residents in Spain
  3. Residents in other EU member States or Schengen associated states who go to their place of residence
  4. Cross-border workers
  5. Health professionals or elderly care professionals who are going to carry out their work
  6. Those that can prove reasons of force majeure or situation of need



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