To Consider:

The function of a society is not to allow one group to oppress another. That is tyranny.

Martin Armstrong (1949-) Data journalist and former hedge fund manager

Terrazas del Rodeo


The Spanish government has added the UK and Japan to the list of those countries where there is no need to present a negative COVID-19 test to enter Spain. This change takes affect from midnight on 24 May.

Further changes are expected to take place in June and July that will make it easier for more people to travel to Spain.

A number of countries and territories have been on the list of countries without travel restrictions to enter Spain. Israel was added to the list on 11 May 2021.

The list of countries with no COVID-19 travel restrictions to Spain is from 24 May 2021:

  • Australia
  • China
  • Israel
  • Japan
  • New Zealand
  • Rwanda
  • Singapore
  • South Korea
  • Thailand
  • UK
  • The territories of Hong Kong and Macao

Travellers from these countries can enter Spain without any need of being vaccinated.

The Prime Minster of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, has announce that travellers from other countries that are fully vaccinated with vaccines approved by the European Union will be able to enter Spain without any COVID-19 restrictions from 7 June 2021.

EU's COVID-19 certificate is expected to start being in use from 1 July 2021. The member states of the EU finally agreed on its conditions on 20 May 2021.

With the EU's COVID-19 certificate there will be no need for a negative PCR-test to travel within the European Union for those traveller that are fully vaccinated or have anti-bodies due to recovering from COVID-19 (herd immunity). Those who have not got the vaccine or developed herd immunity need to get a negative COVID-19 test (PCR or Antigens) done that will be temporary included in the EU's COVID-19 certificate.

The European Parliament wanted the PCR-tests to be free, but instead it has been decided that the EU will subsidize the PCR-tests to keep its price down. 100 million Euros of the budget have been set aside for this.

EU digitalcovidcertificate web



Peter replied the topic: #2 3 years 9 months ago
How weird!

Spain decides to drops the requirement of negative Covid-test entirely 24 hours after Germany has barred Brits from entering Germany after its Public Health Institute designated the UK as a virus variant area of concern.

"From midnight on Sunday, May 23, people travelling to Germany from Great Britain and Northern Ireland may only enter the country if they are a German citizen or resident.

Spouses and children under 18 of a German citizen or resident can also enter, as long as the household are travelling together."

Germany and Spain are both on the UK Government's amber list, meaning Travelers returning to UK from Spain and Germany must take a pre-departure Covid-test and two post-arrival tests, as well as quarantine at home in UK for 10 days.
Peter replied the topic: #3 3 years 9 months ago
What to say?

There are signs the UK is in the early stages of a third wave of coronavirus infections, a scientist advising the government has said.

Prof Ravi Gupta, from the University of Cambridge, said although new cases were "relatively low" the Indian variant had fuelled "exponential growth".

He said ending Covid restrictions in England on 21 June should be postponed.

Environment Secretary George Eustice said the government could not rule out a delay to the planned lockdown easing.

On Sunday, the UK reported more than 3,000 new Covid infections for a fifth day in a row.

Prior to this, the UK had not surpassed that number since 12 April.

- - -

  • Tighter rules for travellers from the UK have come into force in France in response to the spread of the Indian variant, meaning only EU nationals, French residents, or those travelling for essential reasons can enter
Editor replied the topic: #4 3 years 8 months ago

Resolución de 4 de junio de 2021, de la Dirección General de Salud Pública, relativa a los controles sanitarios a realizar en los puntos de entrada de España.

Sexto. Certificado de vacunación.
Se aceptarán como válidos los certificados de vacunación expedidos por las autoridades competentes del país de origen a partir de los 14 días posteriores a la fecha de administración de la última dosis de la pauta vacunal completa. Las vacunas admitidas serán las autorizadas por la Agencia Europea del Medicamento o aquellas que hayan completado el proceso de uso de emergencia de la Organización Mundial de la Salud.

El certificado de vacunación deberá incluir, al menos, la siguiente información:

1. Nombre y apellido del titular.

2. Fecha de vacunación, indicando la fecha de la última dosis administrada.

3. Tipo de vacuna administrada.

4. Número de dosis administradas/pauta completa.

5. País emisor.

6. Identificación del organismo emisor del certificado de vacunación.

Séptimo. Certificado de Diagnóstico.
Se aceptarán como válidos los certificados de prueba diagnóstica de infección activa de COVID-19 con resultado negativo expedidos en las cuarenta y ocho horas anteriores a la llegada a España.

Las pruebas diagnósticas de infección para SARS-CoV-2 admitidas serán las siguientes:

1. Las pruebas de amplificación de ácido nucleico molecular (NAAT), utilizadas para detectar la presencia del ácido ribonucleico (ARN) del SARS-CoV-2;

2. Los test de detección de antígeno incluidos en la lista común de test rápidos de detección de antígeno para COVID-19, publicada por la Comisión Europea en base la Recomendación del Consejo 2021/C 24/01.

El certificado de prueba diagnóstica deberá incluir, al menos, la siguiente información:

1. Nombre y apellido del titular.

2. Fecha de la toma de la muestra.

3. Tipo de test realizado.

4. País emisor.

Octavo. Certificado de recuperación.
Se aceptarán como válidos los certificados de recuperación expedidos por la autoridad competente o por un servicio médico como mínimo 11 días después de la realización de la primera prueba diagnóstica NAAT con resultado positivo. La validez del certificado finalizará a los 180 días a partir de la fecha de la toma de la muestra.

El certificado de recuperación deberá incluir, al menos, la siguiente información:

1. Nombre y apellido del titular.

2. Fecha de la toma de muestras del primer test diagnóstico positivo para SARS-CoV-2.

3. Tipo de test NAAT realizado.

4. País emisor.

Noveno. Certificado COVID Digital de la UE.
Cuando entre en vigor la regulación europea relativa al marco para la expedición, verificación y aceptación de certificados interoperables de vacunación, de test y de recuperación para facilitar la libre circulación durante la pandemia de COVID-19, a los pasajeros que procedan de países o zonas de riesgo que utilicen un Certificado COVID Digital de la UE, en cualquiera de sus modalidades: vacunación, diagnóstico o recuperación, se les generará, en el proceso de cumplimentación del formulario de control sanitario, tras su validación automatizada por SpTH, un código QR con la denominación FAST CONTROL, lo que permitirá que no sea preciso mostrar el Certificado COVID Digital de la UE en el proceso de embarque ni en el control sanitario a la llegada.

Para ello, cuando la regulación europea del Certificado COVID Digital de la UE se encuentre en plena vigencia, los viajeros que presenten un certificado emitido por un Estado Miembro de la Unión utilizarán el Certificado COVID Digital de la UE.
Editor replied the topic: #5 3 years 8 months ago
Restrictions again for people traveling from the UK to Spain!

From 2 July, the Spanish government requires all arrivals to Spain from the UK to present on entry one of the following: a negative COVID-19 test; or proof of vaccination.
Editor replied the topic: #6 3 years 7 months ago
Whether a negative Covid-19 test is needed to enter Spain depends on if the country and area one is entering Spain from is considered to be at risk or not.

The Spanish government is updating the list of risk countries and areas weekly, which is based on the information published by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). ECDC is publishing its updates on Thursdays.

The Spanish government is usually publishing its list of risk countries on Fridays, which usually is valid for the following week (Monday to Sunday). [Click on RISK COUNTRIES / AREAS]

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