To Consider:

A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers.

Plato (427 BC-347 BC) Athenian philosopher

Terrazas del Rodeo


The state of emergency in Spain, which the Spanish government gained support by the parliament in October 2020, ended on 9 May 2021. With the end of the state of emergency, the existing curfew and lockdowns end, and the number of people who meet at home can no longer be regulated.

It is now the regions of Spain that are in charge, but without the sole authority to introduce coronavirus restrictions on fundamental rights, e.g. curfew, limits on social gatherings and lockdowns of regions, provinces and municipalities. These kind of measures have now to be authorized by the courts before they will take affect.

The regional government of Andalucía has announced a transition to normality in three phases after the end of the state of emergency:

  • Stabilization (estabilización), from 9 May
  • Advance (avance), from 1 June
  • Normalization (normalización), from 21 June

In each phase, the opening hours of shops, bars, restaurants and hotels will be gradually extended. Likewise, the capacity of shops, bars, restaurants, transport and public shows will depend on the alert level - from 1 to 4 - declared in each municipality.

To start with from 9 May:

  • Bars and restaurants can be opened until midnight. The maximum number of people by each table depends on the alert level of each municipality.
  • The gatherings for celebrations, like weddings, etc., are restricted to 300 people indoors and 500 outdoors.
  • Bars with music and discos may be open until 2:00 am, with the same seating and table conditions as for the restaurants. Dance floors will only be allowed in municipalities with alert level 1, and only outdoors and with face mask being worn.
  • In shows, cinemas, theatres, sport events and bullrings, at alert levels 1 and 2, a free seat must be left between the groups of spectators. In the rest of the levels it will be necessary to keep 1,5 meter distance.
  • On the beaches and by the swimming pools there is no time limit. The swimming pools should be cleaned and disinfected by the beginning of each day and special attention should be given to indoor spaces like changing rooms and toilets. A distance of 1,5 meters must be kept between groups.

Thus, on June 1, if the conditions of the pandemic allow it, the "advance phase" will be activated, with fewer restrictions on schedules and capacity.

The alert level of each municipality can be found at:

Closure of beaches during the nights

2021 05 10 Closure of beaches web

Marbella and some other municipalities have decided to keep their beaches closed from midnight to 6 a.m., as a preventive measure to avoid gatherings and parties (“botellones”) on the beaches during the nights.



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