To Consider:

If wars can be started by lies, peace can be started by TRUTH.

Julian Assange (1971- ) Australian editor and publisher founded WikiLeaks

Terrazas del Rodeo

Marbella and seven other municipalities in the province of Málaga will have to close their borders from 20 January, since the COVID-19 contagious rate has increased and exceed 500 per 100.000 inhabitants. Only those with justified reasons, which one must be able to prove with documentation, can leave or enter the perimeter.

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Junta de Andalucía has decided that shops and the hospitality industry (bars, restaurants, etc.) have to close at 6.00 p.m. The maximum number people in meeting is reduced to four, which also applies to tables at bars and restaurants. The borders of the provinces will be closed. A flexible scheme will be implemented to the municipalities with a higher contagious rate. This changes will begin at midnight 12:00 a.m. on 17 January.

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The boarder of Andalucía continues to be closed. The curfew remains in place. There will be slightly more restrictions for bars and restaurants.

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