To Consider:

Free speech is my right to say what you don't want to hear

Eric Arthur Blair (1903 – 1950), better known by his pen name George Orwell, was an English novelist, essayist, journalist, and critic.

Terrazas del Rodeo


The Spanish government has issued a new law forcing people to wear face masks even on the beach and by swimming pools. This has been done regardless that the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has communicated that it is only medical face masks that might have a small effect to prevent COVID-19 if they are worn and handled properly.

The Spanish government decided previously on 19 May 2020 that face masks only had to be worn mandatory when “an interpersonal safety distance of at least 1.5 metres could not be guaranteed".

The regional government of Junta de Andalucía decided on 14 July 2020 that it was mandatory to wear face masks even when the interpersonal distance was less then 1,5 meters, but people did not have to wear face masks on the beach and by swimming pools.

The Spanish government decision on 29 March 2021 forces people to wear face masks even on the beach and by community swimming pools. Furthermore, they have also made it mandatory for people to wear face masks in cars, when those people in the car are not residents at the same address.

The politicians have chosen to step up and force people to wear face masks even more, regardless of the fact that the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has communicated in a publication that has been updated as late as 15 February 2021. According to ECDC medical face masks is only believed to have a small or moderate effect to prevent COVID-19 and there is no reliable proof of effectiveness for the public to use non-medical face masks, face shields/visors and respirators.

The evidence regarding the effectiveness of medical face masks for the prevention of COVID-19 in the community is compatible with a small to moderate protective effect, but there are still significant uncertainties about the size of this effect. Evidence for the effectiveness of non-medical face masks, face shields/visors and respirators in the community is scarce and of very low certainty.

(ECDC: Use of face masks in the community by non-ill individuals)

Medical face masks are for single use only and should not be reused. They have to be handled properly to have any effect to prevent Covid-19. Before putting on an unused face mask one should wash and disinfect the hands thoroughly. One should not touch the mask meanwhile one is wearing it. When taking off the masks, then one should avoid to touch the face mask more then necessary. Used masks should be disposed and one should wash and disinfect the hands thoroughly both before and after taking off the face mask.



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