To Consider:

Judge of a man by his questions rather than by his answers.

Voltaire [François-Marie Arouet] (1694-1778) French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher

Terrazas del Rodeo


The number of COVID-19 cases have skyrocket in the province of Málaga. Marbella is one of the worst affected municipalities with an infection rate above 1.000 cases per 100.000 inhabitants during the last 14 days.

Junta de Andalucía has classify the entire province of Málaga as Level 3 and has also decided to propose curfew at night between 2am and 7am in Marbella and other municipalities exceeding the level of 1,000 cases. The level 3 restrictions take place from 23 of July. The curfew must be ratified by the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia (Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Andalucía) before it becomes valid.

Breaking News: The Court has ratified the curfew in Marbella and Estepona! There will now be restrictions of freedom of movement of people on roads and in public spaces between 2am and 7am for the next seven days.

Level 3

Celebrations after religious or civil ceremonies:

If it is done in a hotel establishment, the hotel and restaurant capacity and measures apply to this level. If it is done in celebration rooms or in a different place, even in a private setting, 50% capacity indoors with a maximum of 100 people. Tables for up to 4 pax. 100% outdoor capacity with a maximum of 250 people. Tables for up to 6 pax. Bar consumption is allowed. Musical performances and dancing are not allowed. Close at 2.00 am.

Civil ceremonies:

Capacity of 50% both closed space and open air and that allows interpersonal distance. People seated with a distance of 1.5 meters.

Discos, nightlife venues:

Clients must remain seated with a distance between groups of 1.5 meters. Closing is at 2.00am. Opening of the interior allowed with use and hospitality regulations (not only drinks). A 50% maximum capacity is allowed outside, with tables for up to 6 people. Bar consumption, musical performances or dancing are not allowed.

Recreational establishments (recreational facilities for children, children's leisure centers and fairground attractions):

In children's recreational venues it is recommended to maintain the bubbles of school coexistence. Ventilation, hand disinfection is necessary, and children over 6 years old will wear a mask. Max capacity 30% indoors and outdoors. Groups of up to 12 children. Sandboxes and foam pools are not allowed. Leisure and entertainment centers, amusement and theme parks, and water parks with a maximum capacity of 50% open places and 25% capacity for closed places. Fairground attractions with seating rows will have a maximum capacity of 50% in each row. Fair attractions without seats with a maximum capacity of 30% unless interpersonal safety distance cannot be guaranteed, which will be 20%. Closing of the attractions at 24h.

Festivities, festivals, pilgrimages and other popular or traditional festive activities:

Parties, festivals, pilgrimage and other popular or traditional festive activities may not be held.

Hospitality industry (including hotels and restaurants):

Clients seated with 1.5 m. distance between people. Open to the public until 00:00 hours inside and until 01:00 hours outside, without admission of new customers or service from 00:00 hours, except ice cream parlors and chocolate shops, which may admit new customers but from 00:00 hours may not serve or sell alcoholic beverages. 50% capacity indoors. 100% on the terrace. Maximum table occupation: 4 indoors and 6 outdoors. Bar consumption allowed. In hotels; 50% capacity in outdoor common areas and 1/3 in indoor common areas. Animation activities with a maximum of 15 people.

Conventional and unconventional sports facilities (includes gyms as well as dance academies):

Federated sports: according to the protocol of the federations Individual physical activity in the open air is allowed. 50% of maximum capacity indoors and 60% outdoors. Group activities: 10 people maximum indoors and 15 outdoors, keeping the distance of 1.5 m. and with a mask. Spectator competitions: 40% capacity and a maximum of 500 people indoors. 50% capacity and 1000 people maximum outdoors

Premises where gambling and betting activities take place:

Capacity of 50% in the premises. Restoration according to hotel and restaurant standards. No more than 6 people at gaming tables. the closing time will be at the latest at 02:00, with the exception of restaurant services that must close at 24:00.

Peñas, gastronomic associations, recreational associations, or similar and cultural establishments:

Capacity of 50% and interpersonal distance of 1.5 m. Restoration activity must comply with hospitality and restaurant standards. Close at 6pm.

Community swimming pools:

Capacity 50% of the allowed.

Student residences:

50% openings of common areas (libraries, game rooms, television, etc). 50% dining rooms with a maximum of 75 people indoors and 100 outdoors. Restoration activity, other than dining rooms, must comply with hospitality and restaurant standards. Visits ban.

Wakes, burials and funeral ceremonies:

Maximum of 20 people in outdoor spaces or 15 in closed spaces, unless all are living together. 20 people at funeral or entourage.

Symptoms of COVID-19

COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization.

Most common symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Dry cough
  • Fatigue

Less common symptoms:

  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Nasal congestion,
  • Conjunctivitis (also known as red eyes)
  • Sore throat,
  • Headache,
  • Muscle or joint pain,
  • Different types of skin rash,
  • Nausea or vomiting,
  • Diarrhea,
  • Chills or dizziness.

Symptoms of severe COVID‐19 disease include:

  • Shortness of breath,
  • Loss of appetite,
  • Confusion,
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest,
  • High temperature (above 38 °C).


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