Theft of electricity

Terrazas del Rodeo

The issue of theft of electricity was brought up by representatives of property owners at the latest community meeting on 13 April 2019, but it was never mentioned in the Minutes (“Acta”). Photo evidence of illegal connection was presented too. The illegal connection to one of the apartments was in place from June 2018 until it was sold and refurbished in the spring of 2021.

It seems it was first in a letter on 25 December 2020 where the Secretary-Administrator mentioned theft of electricity to the property owners, by saying that there are no theft of electricity from neither any neighbours or from the community.

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To Consider:

The only source of knowledge is experience.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) German-born theoretical physicist

Terrazas del Rodeo

From today, Sunday, children in Spain who are less then 14 years old will be able to go out for maximum an hour between 9 am to 9 pm. They are not allowed to go further then 1 km from their home. The children can be accompanied by one adult and an adult is not allowed to be out with more then three children.

1 km web This map shows a 1 km radius from Terrazas del Rodeo.

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Pope Francis sends this video message to Christians around the world as we prepare to celebrate Holy Week in an unusual manner due to the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. He prays especially for those suffering and for all the families whose lives have been upset in this difficult time.

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