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Theft of electricity
- Terrazas del Rodeo
The issue of theft of electricity was brought up by representatives of property owners at the latest community meeting on 13 April 2019, but it was never mentioned in the Minutes (“Acta”). Photo evidence of illegal connection was presented too. The illegal connection to one of the apartments was in place from June 2018 until it was sold and refurbished in the spring of 2021.
It seems it was first in a letter on 25 December 2020 where the Secretary-Administrator mentioned theft of electricity to the property owners, by saying that there are no theft of electricity from neither any neighbours or from the community.
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To hold a pen is to be at war.
Front page
Strange situation with Power of Attorneys
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- Terrazas del Rodeo
The President controls the community by Power of Attorneys. Some of the Power of Attorneys seem to be fake. It's believed that some people who works for the community also are engaged in persuading some property owners to grant the President Power of Attorneys, for the community to make decisions that are in their interest.
A dangerous dog has attacked another dog and a worker
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- Terrazas del Rodeo
It's the big white potential dangerous dog (Dogo Argentino) that has attacked another dog and one of the gardeners within the community garden. The potential dangerous dog was running loose without a muzzle around the upper recreation area of the community garden.
Dirty swimming pools and invasion of ants
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- Category: Health
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- Terrazas del Rodeo
The swimming pools were dirty and there was lots of ants already by the end of last summer. One could have expected that these issues should have been dealt with before the start of the summer season. This year when there's an ongoing pandemic, then it's outrageous that the swimming pools have not been cleaned thoroughly.
Tenant found guilty of threatening property owner
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- Category: Crime & Justice
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- Terrazas del Rodeo
The tenant knocked on the door of an owner occupied apartment and delivered threats in person: “You and your wife are going to have problems with me, I'm going to slap you now, I'm going to hit you, I'm going to finish both of you, you're going to the hospital. . .”.
His defence in court was based on a false story that his daughter had been hit. Despite the fact that the tenant was found guilty he continued to insult the property owner and he also seems to have continue to distribute his fabricated story among people within the community.
Squatters within the community
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- Terrazas del Rodeo
It has come to our knowledge that there's been problem with squatters within the community for quite some time. It seems that the President, Vice-president and Administrator have tried to keep the property owners unaware of this situation as much as possible. Property owners are “shareholders” of the community and it becomes strange when important information isn't distributed to the property owners.
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- Category: Economy
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Many mortgages in Spain are linked to the EURIBOR rate. It is a quite common misunderstanding that the EURIBOR is decided by the European Central Bank (ECB), but that is not the case. It is therefore vital for people with mortgages to understand what EURIBOR is to have a better idea of what can make the interest rate of mortgages to change.
Warning: The administration processes extra payments without any notification
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- Category: Economy
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- Terrazas del Rodeo
It has come to our knowledge that the administration has processed several extra unexpected payments without any notification, which is unacceptable. Property owners that pay their community charges by standing order are therefore advised to check that no extra unexpected charges have been made by the administration.
Appointment needed to hand in documents to the Administration
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- Marbella
A property owner has been to the office of the administration, located in “Edificio Berrocal” in Marbella, to hand in a document. The person at the reception desk refused to receive the document. Quite a few of the workers in the office joined the discussion and informed the property owner that an appointment is needed to hand in documents to the administration.
Legal actions are being prepared against the community
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- Category: Crime & Justice
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- Terrazas del Rodeo
A group of property owners are preparing legal action against the administrator and the president for mismanagement of the community. Besides possible economical mismanagement, many property owners have experienced trouble with the administration for not replying to emails and avoiding dealing with issues.
Legal actions against potential dangerous dogs
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- Terrazas del Rodeo
It has been a problem for a number of years with potential dangerous dogs within the community where the owners do not comply with the legislation. Both the administration and the president of the community have been informed about the situation long time ago, but they seem to have been avoiding to fulfill their duties to take action to solve the problem.
Besides that potential dangerous dogs must have a muzzle on and be on a lead, the owner also must have a license and a liability insurance that covers up to 175.000 EUR per claim in case of damage caused by the dog. It is important for any community to know that every owner of potential dangerous dogs within the community has a valid license and a liability insurance.
Trouble with the Administration not replying to emails
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- Terrazas del Rodeo
Reports have come in indicating that several property owners have been experiencing trouble with the administration not replying to emails. The problem could be either a sending or a receiving issue.
A great beginning
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It's positive to see how many that has signed up for a user account since the launch of www.Terrasas-del-Rodeo.com in June.
Some still has to confirm their e-mail address for activating their accounts. Please, check your e-mails. If you haven't received the e-mail for activation or the reminder that has been sent out later, then you might have misspelled your e-mail address and then you have to sign up for a new user account.
Potential dangerous dogs
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The possession of any pet defined as potentially dangerous requires obtaining of an administrative license, which will be granted by the municipality of residence of the person who request it.
On public roads and places and spaces for general public use, potentially dangerous dogs have to wear muzzles suitable for their breed and have to be driven and controlled with a non-extensible and unbreakable chain or strap, of 1 meter of maximum length, and adequate to control the animal at all times. No person may carry or drive more than one potentially dangerous dog simultaneously.
Welcome to Terrazas del Rodeo online
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Here you can find news and facts of relevance to the community of Terrazas del Rodeo and around. Our guidance is the classical tasks of journalism: To prevent the abuse of power and to distribute knowledge. The website is multilingual (Spanish-English) and with a translation function to other languages.
We have sections for: Classified adds, Holiday lettings, Properties for sale or to rent. Furthermore, we also have a Forum and a Social Club to facilitate communication.
Registered users get access to more articles, information and functions.
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Non-Featured News
- Another fugitive included in the MOST WANTED list has been detained
- Two brothers arrested for arms trafficking
- Energy saving restrictions
- The leader of a money laundering network has been detainted in Marbella
- Takedown of SMS-based FluBot spyware infecting Android phones
- Spain eliminates the Covid passport for travellers from EU and Schengen countries
- One of the ten most wanted fugitives has been detained
- Requirement to wear face masks indoors lifted
Non-Featured Opinion